Anthony's student film Rebel was a great film and I think that he did an amazing job with it. I have seen rebel without a cause and thought it was a great movie. In Mr.Feldmen's film studies class we watched this film when we were doing a unit on teen angst along with the Breakfast Club and the Perks of being a Wallflower which I have to say is one of my all time favorite movies because I can relate to it so much plus I also love the book. When talking about teen angst we can all relate to it because we have all been through it.
Being a teenager is hard even though you don’t have to deal with all the responsibilites an adult deals with there is still so much that we go through on a daily bases. There are so many changes in our lives and barriers that we must overcome. We deal with the pressure that society has put on young people with the way they look or how they should act and we are also in the process of discovering ourselves, all this in such a short amount of time. We have our friends trying to put pressure on us to do things that we do want to do only to fit in with whatever people think is cool. To me the teenage years is one of the hardest stages in life that we have to go through because of all these things. Yes being an adult is stressful because of bills and families and everything else that happens in their daily life but teenagers have to go through things on a more emotional level which is why I am so intertested in this teenagst and want to become a psychologist specifically more towards the youth. Overall Anthony did a great job and all the hard work that he put into it really paid off at the end.